TOC3 Australia

With our support your team will quickly learn how to leverage your new system to maximise profits generating the following range of business improvement outcomes:
  • Increase Throughput between 20% - 80%
  • Reduce Process Lead Time between 35% - 65%
  • Reduce Inventory between 30% - 50%
  • Improve Due Date Performance between 95% - 100%
  • Expose Hidden Capacity between 20% - 30%+
  • Reduce Cash to Cash Cycle times
  • Reduce Operating Expenses by up to 10%
  • Transform Chaos to Calm
The systems are:
  • Highly visual (no new software required, EXEPRON is an ingenious exception)
  • Use your existing resources (no new investment or expenses)
  • Easy to understand 
  • Willingly run by your own people
  • Takes only a few days to design install a customised solution 
  • Involves only a few key people.
For building organisational leadership and effectiveness we provide Executive Mentoring
For ongoing improvement we also apply Lean Tools where appropriate

More information on how to boost business improvement:-




Exepron is a unique multi-project Critical Chain Project Management Software solution with embedded real time intelligence to plan, schedule and execute projects.
Exepron answers the 7 most critical questions of project management in real time.
Contact us to find out how.


In a nutshell

 Get a high percentage of your projects back on track - fastRecent research shows that up to 50% of an organisations projects are at risk at any given time. The most prevalent problem b...
Our team specialise in the rapid implementation of simple, logical and proven high performance systems and business processes based in the scientific principles of the Theory of Co...
How do we go about helping you get these kinds of Real Results?We do it by getting you to see that in order to have a breakthrough in performance the rules of business have to change.Manufac...
“The Theory of Constraints Logical Thinking Tools is the best method for building common understanding and agreement that I have seen in over 2 decades in industry that has taken me arou...
The additional capacity generated by these systems creates the opportunity to boost sales revenue and maximise profits. If you want to go to the next level and boost sales rev...
Key Solution Application areas: Operations (Manufacture and Service Operations)Distribution Logistics (Inventory Management, Warehousing)Project ManagementMeasurement and Throughput Acc...
From NOW to WOW in under 9 days BAE Systems Australia continues to break company record.RAPID CCPM IMPLEMENTATION AND RAPID RESULTS USING EXEPRON - Andrew KayBAE Systems Australia imple...
Distribution Logistics – Inventory and Warehouse ManagementDo you want to dramatically improve Profits and Cash Flow?If you could get the right stock at the right place, in the right quant...
The TOC Expert (Jonah) DayMany of you have read Dr. Eli Goldratt’s best selling business novel “The Goal”. This inspiring work has been the foundation of business success for 1000’s ...
Theory of Constraints is not a secret but it might well as be.  To achieve rapid, significant and lasting business improvement demands a profound change in thinking. Thinking has to shift ...

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