TOC3 Australia

 Grant Johnston: Managing Director “That’s ******* amazing” Commenting on 75% reduction of WIP in under 3 weeks.

Brad Johnston: Operations Director “I’m very pleased with that” (known for his understatements) when seeing throughput increase by ~20% within 5 days of a 3 day solution implementation.

Jessie: Afternoon Shift Foreman, "Wow I like this system. My people on my shift no longer have to come to me to find out what to do next, the buffer boards show them”. Jessie: also said “Loading trucks and meeting delivery is now just so easy”

Rick: Day Shift Truck Loader was ecstatic “I can load 4 trucks now in the same time as 1 before that's incredible”

Dragi; Production Manager,“We were averaging 74 tonnes per day now that has jumped to 87 tonnes per day consistent”. (+18%)

Terry, Finance Director: “We have to wait a while before we can say we are making more throughput (a known conservative) but I can say we are making the same as before but so much more easily”.

Gigangit, Production Manager: “We got enough space now to play cricket"




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